Ingin bekerja dengan kami? -

Sertai pasukan kami untuk membantu kami menjadikan Androidout lebih baik, Androidout memberi makna baharu kepada cara kami menemui permainan, tema & aplikasi. Melalui kerjasama sosial, cadangan disesuaikan.

Temui peluang pekerjaan semasa kami di Androidout.

PHP Backend Developer

  • 5+ years developing in PHP.
  • Experience with high-traffic distributed systems.
  • Strong knowledge of best practices.
  • Have dealt with performance issues.
  • Experie nce with SQL.
  • Experience with caching systems.
  • Experience using GIT.
  • Excellent written, spoken and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Fluent in English.
Mohon pekerjaan ini


  • Editorial Content.
  • International Content Editors.
  • Proofreaders and localization specialist.
  • Reading through original content and rewriting it in the target language.
  • Proofreading and editing final translated versions.
  • Uploading text and images to a website using CMS (Wordpress). Excellent organizational, verbal and written communications skill.
  • Fluent in English.
Mohon pekerjaan ini

Senior Android Developer

  • 3+ years of experience programming with Android.
  • Solid architecture knowledge.
  • Ability to write clean, easy-to-read code.
  • Understand why you should use enums (or not).
  • Experience with CI systems (Jenkins, CircleCI).
  • Fluent in English.
Mohon pekerjaan ini