How can we help you?

Frequent questions

Are all the apps on AndroidOut for free?

AndroidOut does not charge anything for downloads. However, some Google Play apps can be paid. To avoid any confusion, our site states clearly which apps are free and which are paid on Google Play.

What advantages does AndroidOut offer?

I do not want the app anymore. How can I uninstall it?

Why are some apps blocked or unavailable?

Why do some of the apps, games or themes not have a description?

What is an APK file?

Is it possible to download an app directly to my PC or laptop?

Getting started

What is AndroidOut?

AndroidOut is an online community where you can discover, download and share Android apps, games, and themes. If you want to know more about us, check out our corporate site.

How do I download an app, game or theme on AndroidOut?

How can I easily find an app or game I am looking for?

Your account

Is it free to register in AndroidOut?

Absolutely! Registering is very easy and completely free.

How do I create an account on AndroidOut?

I forgot my password. How can I recover it?

How can I change my password?

What to do when I want to cancel my AndroidOut account?


I followed all the steps indicated to download the app but it's not working. What can I do?

In this case, make sure you have sufficient memory space available on your device to install the app. If this does not solve the problem, it may be that the app is not compatible with your device.

My device is compatible with the version indicated by the developer, but I still can't install the app. What can I do?

The app that I want to download is not available in my country. What can I do?

I downloaded an app via email, however, I did not receive anything in my inbox. What do I do?

I would like to read the description of an app in a different language.

I have an inquiry about a specific app, who can help me?

What is 'root' and do I need it?

My device memory is full. How can I set my SD card as a default storage space?

I can't seem to be able to download any app to my iPhone, Blackberry or Windows Phone. What shall I do?

For developers

What do I need to do to publish my app on your site?

We would be delighted to publish your app on AndroidOut. Get in contact with us via email at: or via our /contact/contact form.

What options to publicize my app does AndroidOut provide?

My app is available on Google Play but I can't find it on AndroidOut. Why?

Notification Push

What is a push notification?

It's an optional feature that allows you to receive messages even when you are not connected to a specific website. If you are interested in the content we offer at AndroidOut, we can notify you when we publish new applications, games, themes, news, etc. All this without having our web page open in your browser.

Why do you send push notifications to the AndroidOut community?

What content can be found in your push notifications?

How do I unsubscribe from push notifications?


Is it safe to download APK files?

On AndroidOut we only offer APK files that are safe and 100% virus-free. However, if you download a file from an unverified source, it can be dangerous, that's why you have to make sure to use only trustworthy sites such as AndroidOut.

How can I download an APK file from AndroidOut?

If I download an APK from AndroidOut, can I later update it via Google Play?

How can I download an XAPK file from AndroidOut?

Developers & Publishers