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Generator Rex

FreeVersion 1.0.4
Trusted Game

Main Features of Generator Rex

Game Goal:

Looking for an exciting and fun action game based on this beloved cartoon? Check out Generator Rex an addictive game where you must play as a teenager with supernatural mutation powers tasked with saving the earth from a mutant invasion.

How to Play:

The aim of the game is to explore the various stages in search of energy which you can use to mutate your hands into huge weapons and rid the earth of the mutant invaders. Be sure to explore to find the most energy possible to stand the best chance of winning.


The game features a diverse visual style with smooth and impressive animations.


The game features an easy to navigate interface and simple gesture controls.


The app interface supports English.



Operating System:




Free app with no further costs. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 703k of free memory space and Android OS which .

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Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Generator Rex

Plenty of fun locations to visit.
Plenty of enemies to defeat.

NEGATIVE about Generator Rex

The games visual style could be more impressive.
The game controls can be unresponsive.
Amount of game modes provided is limited.