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Any Emulator BIOS

FreeVersion 1.0.2
Trusted App

Main Features of Any Emulator BIOS

App description:

If you're looking to emulate beloved classic games on the go, you will often find yourself in need of a BIOS file for your console of choice. Sometimes your emulators are updated and require a new and up to date BIOS file, in either case Any Emulator BIOS is the perfect tool for you.


In order to enjoy the perfect emulation experience simple search the platform you are looking for and select the correct BIOS file, the app will download the file to your device for use with the emulator.


The app interface supports English.



Operating System:




A completely free app. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 8,5M of free memory space and Android OS which .

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POSITIVE about Any Emulator BIOS

The app's memory requirements are small.
The app receives frequent updates.
The interface is fast and easy to use.
The app provides the BIOS you need for a huge variety of consoles.

NEGATIVE about Any Emulator BIOS

The app does not provide any emulation features by itself.
The app requires an internet connection during use.

Useful Tips Any Emulator BIOS

Be sure to check which BIOS file the emulators and specific games require, as they can change per region.