Crackle - Movies & TV icon

Crackle - Movies & TV

FreeVersion 7.1.2
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of Crackle - Movies & TV

App description:

If you search for a free app to watch movies and TV shows on your mobile device, Crackle is a good choice since it provides content that is updated frequently.


Brings you American movies and sitcoms; is updated frequently; lets you save movies and TV shows in favorites, shows movies organized by categories, e.g. action, anime, comedy, thriller, horror, suspense and science fiction.


You can use 3G or 4G wireless networks to watch movies.


For people who want to watch movies and TV shows on their mobile device.


Android smartphones and tablets.


Android 2.3.3 or later.


English, Portuguese, Spanish.


16 MB

Operating System:



Crackle is based in United States - Android-Market-trusted developer.


The developer's control over the content is limited.


No in-app purchases. Free0

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 16 MB of free memory space and Android 4.0 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

Do you like Crackle - Movies & TV?

6 Votes / 6 Likes

POSITIVE about Crackle - Movies & TV

The content is updated frequently.
Lets you use the wireless network to watch movies.

NEGATIVE about Crackle - Movies & TV

The advertising can be annoying.
It isn't compatible with all Android devices.

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