Boomerang from Instagram apk icon

Boomerang from Instagram

FreeVersion 1.2.0
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of Boomerang from Instagram

App description:

It lets you create mini videos that loop back and forth that you can publish on Instagram and other social media.


The app creates 2-4 second videos using the phone's camera to shoot a burst of 10 photos and then turns them into a delightful mini video.

How to use:

Simply press the capture button on the app to take the photos and make your videos. Share them on social media directly from the interface.


Interface available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese.


Ideal for Instagram users who want to create funny looped videos.


Android smartphones and tablets.


Android 4.3 or higher.



Operating System:



Instagram is based in United States - Trusted, high-quality developer.


Content suitable for all ages.


A completely free app. Free0

Installation requirements:

A minimum space which 0 and Android 4.1 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

Do you like Boomerang from Instagram?

2 Votes / 2 Likes

POSITIVE about Boomerang from Instagram

It is a very original app.
Good quality and fun videos.
Only uses a small amount of memory.
Attractive and easy to use interface.

NEGATIVE about Boomerang from Instagram

The videos are too short.
Configuration options are missing.

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