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Basic English for Beginners

FreeVersion 1.3.8
Trusted App

Main Features of Basic English for Beginners

App description:

An English course for beginners, with which you can set even the most basic level so you can learn to speak and understand.


The app has numerous lessons with photos, images and audio files as complementary material to help you learn. It also records your voice to help you with your pronunciation.


It has a step by step process in which you'll learn by listening to an audio, study the vocabulary and finally taking a test.


English interface.


29 MB

Operating System:




Recommended for families.


Payment required to access full features. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 29 MB of free memory space and Android 4.0 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

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2 Votes / 2 Likes

POSITIVE about Basic English for Beginners

Suitable for all ages.
Delivers what is promised.
Includes a lot of information and data.
The interface is attractive and easy to operate.

NEGATIVE about Basic English for Beginners

Contains some advertising.
You need to pay to access most features.