Samsung Game Launcher apk icon

Samsung Game Launcher

Trusted App
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Main Features of Samsung Game Launcher

App description:

Looking for the ultimate gaming tool on Android with amazing features to help keep your device organised and track your gameplay? Check out Samsung Game Launcher a featured packed app that keeps all of your games in one easy to find location and offers great game boosting capabilities. 


The app makes it easy to find all of your games in one space by automatically detecting games that are installed on your device. 


You can freely customise the style of your interface such as game icons and view details about your play experience such as amount of time played.


The app interface supports English.


44 MB

Operating System:



Free app with no further costs. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 44 MB of free memory space and Android 5.0 or higher.

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POSITIVE about Samsung Game Launcher

Elegant and easy to use interface.
Displays no ads during use.
The app file size is small.
Can be enjoyed offline.
Perfect way to keep your collection clean.

NEGATIVE about Samsung Game Launcher

May not support some Android devices.

Useful Tips Samsung Game Launcher

Be sure to enjoy the great organisation features when dealing with many games.
The app makes it easy to optimise device performance.
You can restrict the amount of time spent gaming.