UC Browser - Surf it Fast icon

UC Browser - Surf it Fast

Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of UC Browser - Surf it Fast

App description:

UC Browser is an efficient browser for Android devices, which promises to give its users the best and fastest Internet browsing experience.


Lets you configure the navigation mode in different network connections, organize the sites by groups, anonymous surfing, keeps downloads active even when the page is closed, lets you share pages and take screen captures easily.


You can choose from several themes and wallpapers to customize the UC browser any way you want.


Available in English.


Suitable for those who frequently use the mobile device to surf the Internet.


Developed for Smartphones and Android tablets, especially those with little RAM.


Requires Android 2.1 or higher.


69 MB

Operating System:



UCWeb Inc. is based in China


No age restrictions.


No in-app purchases. Free0

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 69 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3 or higher.


The TOP 1 Most popular App in UC Browser category.


The TOP 5 Most downloaded App in UC Browser category.

Download options:

Developer´s description

Do you like UC Browser - Surf it Fast?

16 Votes / 15 Likes

POSITIVE about UC Browser - Surf it Fast

Lets you customize the browser's look.
Nice and intuitive interface.
Fast to load, even for heavyweight pages.
Set up browsing in different network connections.

NEGATIVE about UC Browser - Surf it Fast

After the last update, it has problems with downloads.
Not compatible with the SwiftKey keyboard.

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