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Diary - Mood Tracker

FreeVersion 1.57.2
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of Diary - Mood Tracker

App description:

Now you can follow your mood changes day by day and also record all your activities such as sports, travels, and time with friends.


Offers a wide selection of icons, allows you to check your mood-related statistics and the activities carried out during the month. You can perform cloud backup, restore the updates from Google Drive and password protect access to the app.

How to use:

The app has an incredible selection of icons that lets you create a diary simply by selecting the icons for the mood and the activities of the day.


The app is very intuitive and easy to navigate. Just tap the icons to record your daily moods and activities.




No age restriction, perfect for people who like to keep a personal journal.


51 MB

Operating System:



The app content is moderate and child-friendly.


A completely free app. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 51 MB of free memory space and Android 4.0 or higher.


The TOP 5 Most popular Apps in Mood Tracker category.


The TOP 1 Most downloaded applications in Mood Tracker category.

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Developer´s description

Do you like Diary - Mood Tracker?

1 Vote / 1 Like

POSITIVE about Diary - Mood Tracker

Very good quality graphics.
Includes the cloud service.
An appealing and intuitive interface.
Very easy to use.

NEGATIVE about Diary - Mood Tracker

Recent updates created some problems.