Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone icon

Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone

FreeVersion 1.3622.635201102.0-release
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone

App description:

Free up memory and keep your files organized.


Find apps that you're no longer using, search for important files, find and eliminate spam, and easily share files.


Inspired by Material Design, the touchscreen interface is attractive, well organized, and intuitive.


English among others.


No age restrictions.


16 MB

Operating System:



Google is based in United States


Free app with no internal purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 16 MB of free memory space and Android 5.0 or higher.


The TOP 5 Most popular Apps in File Sharing category.


The TOP 5 Most downloaded applications in File Sharing category.

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Do you like Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone?

1 Vote / 1 Like

POSITIVE about Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone

It is a lightweight app that only takes up about 6 MB of memory.
Efficient, and easy to use.
Free up memory while optimizing the operation of your smartphone.

NEGATIVE about Files by Google: Clean up space on your phone

There may be some bugs due to the fact that it's a beta version.